Calculating Return on Investment (ROI) to Evaluate Investments

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Return on investment (ROI) is a key metric used to assess the profitability of investments. By comparing net gains to total costs, ROI quantifies the efficiency of using capital on a given asset.

ROI is expressed as a percentage or ratio – the higher the ROI, the better the investment return.

ROI Helps Optimize Investment Decisions

Analyzing ROI enables smarter capital allocation by:

  • Comparing returns across investment choices
  • Identifying the most profitable assets
  • Assessing if return exceeds risk-adjusted thresholds

Tracking ROI over time also allows adjusting strategies to improve returns.

Challenges and Limitations of ROI

However, ROI has some challenges to consider:

  • Difficulty quantifying intangible benefits
  • Complexity comparing different asset classes
  • Need to incorporate cost of capital

Using ROI in conjunction with other metrics provides a more complete performance picture.

Calculating ROI for Different Assets

The basic ROI formula is:

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ROI = (Gain from Investment - Cost of Investment) / Cost of Investment

For example, if you invest $10,000 in stocks and sell for $15,000, the ROI is:

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ROI = ($15,000 - $10,000) / $10,000 = 50%

This formula works for stocks, real estate, business investments, and other asset classes. The specifics depend on the metrics relevant to that asset.

Using ROI in Trading Decisions

ROI is a key metric used by traders for decisions like:

  • Comparing return potential of trade setups
  • Determining if a trading strategy is profitable
  • Optimizing position sizing for risk management

Carefully tracking ROI on trades can help boost long-term returns.

In summary, ROI is a versatile metric for evaluating investments, but should be used thoughtfully. It provides an objective measure of capital efficiency.

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